Thursday, September 27, 2007

Thank You, Zions Bank!

Some great news to report today! Zions Bank has awarded Nightingale Dolls a grant to help pay for supplies. I got to go to their 'Smart Women, Smart Money' conference in Salt Lake today and was honored to be a grant recipient. I met some really interesting women who have their own businesses and are helping others in our community. It was great to meet these incredible people and I am so grateful for the support. Plus, there were some booths and I got free chapstick!

On the home front, we have had some youth groups all the way from California contact me and say that they want to arrange a Nightingale Dolls Service Party. Awesome!!


Anonymous said...

That's great news! Keep up the good work Meagan!

Anonymous said...

What a remarkable young woman you are! And what a difference you are making to so many children. I especially like the fact that they are easy to make, a good project for youth groups, and then they get to deliver them personally in their local area which would be another fun activity. I can see why Zions Bank honored you.

Congratulations from an admirer of outstanding young women